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Tuesday 1 May 2012

Feed - Mira Grant

By this week's guest blogger, SRJ:

It is clear this book was written for a purpose, a message of some sort, because it is a zombie book - yet I feel zombies were not the focus. For a 550 page book there are surprisingly few zombie encounters; in fact I was relieved when the Eakly attack happened, since I was starting to wonder whether the zombies would actually feature again.

So if the focus isn't zombies, what is? Is it the relationship between Shaun and Georgia? Is it the journey they make from beta journalists to alpha to national plot uncoverers? Or is it about the "truth" Georgia so vehemently pursues? If so then I feel the book did not mirror this enough; after all, we never find out who is really behind the big plan, nor their true reasons for it. We only find out about one man involved, who confesses practically nothing. We never even see or find out about the attackers.

I feel that the book spent too much time with background zombie-related things such as the blood tests rather than actual zombies to be one of those books that focus on action and excitement like most zombie books. So it must make a point somewhere, but it wasn't clear enough. I might do a separate piece because I have some thoughts on the blood tests (watch this space!).

Nevertheless, it was a good book; I enjoyed the zombie attacks where they happened, and the story itself was enthralling. Maybe we find out more details of the plot in the sequel, but somehow it won't be the same with the book ending the way it did.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being an honoured guest to my blog, SRJ. Come again soon.
