This first novel is written in the form of a letter to the Premier of China as an introduction to modern India. The author is not a fan - of modern India, that is, not China. India is a rich source of material for contemporary novelists, (for example, the Inheritance of Loss) and seems to be favoured by Booker judges. The novel charts the life of the narrator as a chauffeur to a prosperous family, and portrays the country as sordid, brutal, and above all bitterly corrupt.

By coincidence I am also reading "Crime and Punishment" at the moment, and although the comparison is probably unfair, Dostoievsky does something Adiga does not (or cannot), which is given us an insight into the mind of a killer. While the portrait of Raskolnikov shows us the internal struggles a killer goes through, in White Tiger the killing is shown as a simple commercial transaction, with little or no horror, nor psychological consequences - extraordinarily I have even seen one reviewer describe the murder as "brave". Killing someone in cold blood and leaving your family and friends to live or die with the consequences isn't brave. It's not even as if the main character was living an impoverished life on the streets - he was doing fairly well as a chauffeur. I appreciate the author isn't saying "Life in India is so bad murder becomes acceptable" - what he is surely is presenting us with is a world where morality has disappeared, so much so that a murderer sees little wrong with their crime, because they see similar acts of immorality being rewarded all around them. This is "Crime" with no "Punishment".
All in all a strange Booker choice, subverting many of our expectations about what novels about modern India should be, but with very few redeeming features.
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