This isn’t saying much, because while everyone else in the
Arts at the time was pointing out with different degrees of vehemence that
greed is not that good, ‘Money’ is far less didactic. Money is undoubtedly a
corrupting influence, but absence of money is worse. John Self, the
semi-autobiographical narrator of ‘Money’ is a whoring, alcoholic, masturbating
monster, roaring around London and New York, ignorant of the chaos he leaves in
his wake. He reads 1984, and sees himself as one of the Thought Police. He is
involved in a very confused way in the casting and production of a film based
upon an idea of his, but this is largely immaterial, simply providing a
backdrop to the relentlessness of Self’s hedonistic orgy. There are some wildly
excessive moments of hilarity, such as when he goes to a club one night. He is
totally unaware of the chaos he causes, and of course is, as in most of the novel,
extremely drunk:
There was a white-haired old robot at the desk, and we shot the breeze
for a while as he checked me out on the intercom. I told him a joke. How does
it go now? There’s this farmer who keeps his wife locked up in the – Wait, let’s
start again,…Anyway we had a good laugh over this joke when I’d finished or abandoned
it, and I was told where to go. Then I got lost for a bit. I went into a room where
a lot of people in evening dress were sitting at square tables playing cards or
backgammon. I left quickly and knocked over a lamp by the door. The lamp should never have been there in the
first place, with its plinth sticking out like that. For a while I thrashed around
in some kind of cupboard, but fought my way out in the end. Skipping down the stairs again, I fell
heavily on my back. It didn’t hurt that much, funnily enough.”

What made this novel stand out to me was Amis’s wonderful use
of language. It’s not just metaphor, although these are exceptional, with
sometimes four or five on one sentence. But the quality of the writing is quite
poetical. Take this description of the sky for instance:
“when the sky is as grey as this - impeccably grey, a denial, really of
the very concept of colour - and the stooped millions lift their heads, it's
hard to tell the air from the impurities in our human eyes, as if the sinking
climbing paisley curlicues of grit were part of the element itself, rain,
spores, tears, film, dirt. Perhaps, at such moments, the sky is no more then
the sum of the dirt that lives in our human eyes.”
When I first started to sketch out this review I struggled
to find a novel to compare this to. Then it dawned on me that the closest
writing style is the first person narrative style that characterises gonzo
journalism, which the Internet defines as
“an energetic first-person participatory writing style in which the
author is a protagonist, and it draws its power from a combination of social
critique and self-satire...Gonzo journalism involves an approach to accuracy
that involves the reporting of personal experiences and emotions, in contrast
to traditional journalism, which favours a detached style and relies on facts
or quotations that can be verified by third parties. Gonzo journalism
disregards the strictly-edited product favoured by newspaper media and strives
for a more personal approach; the personality of a piece is as important as the
event the piece is on. Use of sarcasm, humour, exaggeration, and profanity is
Which summarises ‘Money’ very nicely thank you. So arguably
the best way to read this novel as a piece of reportage from the frontline of the
1980’s class war. Amis remains very much on my list of authors that can write well, but can also produce some absolute stinkers, but this was in many ways a redemptive experience.
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