
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog. Please feel free to post comments. Don't take anything I have written too seriously, these are all off the cuff impressions of things I have randomly read rather than carefully considered judgments. With some obvious exceptions.
Guest bloggers very welcome.

Friday 17 April 2015


I've written quite a bit over the years about sayings, proverbs, idiom, and dead metaphor, so this article caught my eye yesterday

If you don't want to follow the link or read the article, the eleven phrases are:
  1. Haters gonna hate
  2. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off
  3. If you’re not paying for it, you’re the product
  4. You’ve got to fake it to make it
  5. The system isn’t broken. It’s fixed
  6. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature
  7. You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out
  8. Don’t read the comments
  9. 90% of everything is crap
  10. Problem between keyboard and chair
  11. The fish that is being microwaved doesn’t fear the lightning
I can say with quite a high degree of confidence that while some of these phrases show some wit in their construction (7, 10, and 11 for example) and others are useful (e.g. 1, 6 and 9), none are sufficiently robust to survive and become modern proverbs. Having said that, if the curate's egg example proves anything, it is that the source of modern proverbs is almost impossible to predict. If a need exists for a phrase, it will be found. Incidentally, my contribution to this list, without any expectation that it will last more than a few years, is "Don't feed the troll(s)", which I have found useful in numerous situations online and otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, your admission to being behind one phrase made me blurt out: Ha, I have heard "don't feed the troll" said about me more than once!

    If you want an Inkling as to why, this link (with following in series) may give a fair sample.

    Otherwise I passed by to say that I linked to your blog from this post of mine: Blogs from Countries Where I have Readers, part IV, Ukraine to United States.
